Visual identity and concept for the Clerc Sign Language App is designed to learn the
language of the deaf through gamification. 
With the help of mini-games and challenges, against others or against time, the user has the opportunity to learn the new language
in a playful way. Daily learning progress can be achieved quickly due to the low expenditure of time. 

The aim is to enable signs in Germany to communicate more visibly and spontaneously in everyday life. We specifically focus on gamification elements that awaken an intrinsic motivation to learn. This learning concept means that there is a low inhibition threshold to get started. CLERC not only enables relatives or friends of the deaf to learn quickly, but also arouses the interest of people who previously had no personal relationship with the language. In addition, the app can also be integrated into everyday school life and, in the long term, help to close gaps in the education system and further promote inclusion. 

Designpartner: Pascal Huber
Supervisor: Prof. Christopher Ledwig
ⓒ All rights reserved. Design by Laura Elisabeth Durchholz. 
Thank you for your time.
Clerc App

Clerc App

Visual identity and concept for the Clerc Sign Language App is designed to learn the language of the deaf through gamification. With the help of Read More
